
10 Ideas Blog

The 10 Ideas Blog was inspired by the words of James Altucher in his National Best Seller, Choose YourselfEach week, we sit down and challenge our brain to come up with ten ideas for new inventions.  This is a great exercise for anyone to participate in, and sometimes we come up with really great concepts (and sometimes, they’re a little crazy!) Our father, Ben Greenfield wrote an article about why this is such a good idea, and you can read that article here.

In this installment of 10 Ideas, we were inspired by our office space… our desks! We don’t have a true office, but we do have desks and we were confident that we could make them better with a little innovation.

Terran on Desk Space

I had two main ideas about how to make my desk better.  The first thing was to make typing notes easier.  I thought that it would be really cool to have heat activated magents.  They wouldn’t be real magnets, but instead they would stick to the computer or the computer screen because they would sense the heat of it.  That way, I wouldn’t have to have a special stand and I wouldn’t have to use tape or something that would make a mess of my computer.  The notes would just stick there, so I could look at them and the screen.  It’d be really easy to move them too.  I also thought it would be helpful to have a never ending pencil that didn’t need to be sharpened.  It could be used for school work or drawing, and it would last forever (or until River took it to his desk). 


River on Desk Space

For my desk, I wanted two things.  I wanted it to have a built in printer and copy machine, so I wouldn’t have to find space for the bulky machine.  It could just be built-in, under the desk top or beside it.  I also thought it would be great if my computer had a built-in book holder, so I could look at the book and the computer screen at the same time, wihtout having to hold the book up.

You can see some of our other ideas from the week here:

River 10 Ideas [Fork Installment]
Terran 10 Ideas [Fork Installment]

River’s List

  1. Massage Gloves
  2. Desk with Built-In Printer/Copy Machine
  3. Lightbulb with Water Around It
  4. Aladdin Lamp Speaker
  5. Walrus Mask
  6. Box that Can Walk
  7. Computer with a Book Holder
  8. Dog Mask with Dog Bark Machine
  9. Black Canvas
  10. Coat with A/C

Terran’s List

  1. Repulsor Loser
  2. Shockwave Boom Box
  3. Water Boom Box
  4. Unbreakable Metal
  5. Forever Spinning Top
  6. Heat Activated Magnets
  7. Moldable Concrete
  8. Foldable TV
  9. RC Paper
  10. Never Ending Pencil 
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