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Recipe #1: Ricotta hazelnut chocolate caramel dessert pizza

Recipe #1 Ingredients: ricotta 16 oz, honey 2 tbsp, hazelnuts 1 cup, pre-made pizza dough as much as you want, and chocolate caramel sauce enough for your liking

Recipe #1 Instructions: roast the hazelnuts in the oven for 8-10 minutes cook at 350, then take a folded towel and put the hazelnuts in the towel and then place part of the towel on top of the hazelnuts then rub so the the skin comes off. Then you take a rolling pin and roll it on the hazelnuts so they get crushed. Then use half a bowl 16 oz of ricotta and mix it with your 2 tbsp of honey. Then with the same rolling pin to roll out your pre-made dough then gently spread the honey ricotta mixture on the pizza dough then put it in the oven till the crust gets golden brown, then take it out and drop the hazelnuts on it and then drizzle the chocolate caramel on top!!! Enjoy! 🙂

Recipe #2: apple cinnamon caramel dessert pizza

Recipe #2 Ingredients: 1 apple; ½ teaspoons of cinnamon; ¼ teaspoon ‘o’ cardomine; the other half of the ricotta mix; pre-made pizza dough; ½ cup of finely chopped walnuts; Caramel Kitchen’s salted caramel sauce, use as much as your liking; 1 tablespoon of brown sugar

Recipe #2 Instructions: Wash your hands. Pre-heat your oven to 425 degrees. then roll out your pre- made pizza dough and place on a greased cookie sheet. Take your apple and chop it in very thin slices so it will cook faster. Put your sliced apples in a bowl and mix with brown sugar, cinnamon, and cardomine, then toss with your hands or tongs. Then take your other half of the ricotta mixture and spread it gently on the pizza, but save room for the crust! Then place your apple slices in circles on the inside of the pizza, it will sort of look a target. Then put the pizza in the oven for 15-20 or if you have gluten free do what the instructions say, OR if you can wait until the crust gets golden brown. Then after it’s cooked it out of the oven and sprinkle the finely chopped walnuts on. Then take your Caramel Kitchen’s salted caramel sauce and drizzle horizontally, vertically, diagonally. Set the pizza on a plate and decorate it with some walnuts and extra caramel sauce, serve, and enjoy!

Today’s Episode Brought To You By…


“Best Tasting Stuff on the Planet” ~ River and Terran Greenfield

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