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How To Make Paleo Ketogenic Fat Bread

Paleo and Ketogenic diets help people with restrictive diets eat foods that will not cause them digestive problems that other diets will have, like eating a Paleo Ketogenic Fat Bread. More and more recipes are popping up in the paleo and ketogenic space that makes life easier.

Terran and River’s Dad, Ben Greenfield, knows Dr. Sarah Myhill who has written a book about recipes that will help make your life healthier and include Paleo and Ketogenic recipes.

Ben tells the boys about Dr. Sarah Myhill’s recipe for a Paleo-Ketogenic Fat Bread that is delicious and great for people with restrictive diets.

Today’s Episode Brought To You By…


“Best Tasting Stuff on the Planet” ~ River and Terran Greenfield

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