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Terran and River visit the Flying Goat Pizza Place in their hometown of Spokane, Washington.


The boys start the episode with reviewing the menu and talk about the menu items that looked the most appetizing to them. The Waikiki pizza and the Kerry-Lynn Margarita pizza looked appetizing to the boys. 

The boys ended up ordering the Flying Goat Pizza Places’ Most Popular Pizza called the Dalton Pizza: honey apple bbq sauce, house cheese blend, pulled pork, caramelized onion and coleslaw. And the Special (red pepper pesto, basil, capers, goat cheese, fresh onions, smoked prosciutto, dark balsamic reduction and pecorino cheers with a half Caesar Salad.  They both had some anchovies on the side.

The boys talk about the difference in pizzas and sauces and rate their pizzas out of 10. Find out how they rate their pizzas.

Today’s Episode Brought To You By…


“Best Tasting Stuff on the Planet” ~ River and Terran Greenfield

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