10 Ideas Blog
In this installment of 10 ideas we were inspired by our favorite food…SNACKS! We love to eat and these items would be a great addition to the kitchen pantry! There is an endless amount of ideas for snacks. Here are some ideas of new snacks and some ideas for gadgets to make better snacks! Which are your favorites?
Terran on Snacks
I love breakfast and all things breakfast food! Toast and waffles are staples at the Greenfield household. I thought it would be convenient to have a toaster that also slices your bread. You may be thinking, most bread already comes pre-sliced. But what about the freshly baked or home made loaves? Waffles are also really fun to make. It would be awesome to have a waffle maker that have different molds and shape options. It would be perfect for birthdays, holidays, and special occasions! Or even just when you are feeling fun!
River on Snacks
I really enjoy a lot of different kinds of snacks. One of my favorites is popcorn. It would be a great idea to have mix and match popcorn. Sometimes you just want a few different flavors…have them separate or mix them all together! I like a mixture of sweet and salty. It would be so cool to have a machine with flavor buttons to choose whichever you felt that day. Another great snack idea was to make a snickerdoodle cookie with chocco cream on the inside. If you have ever tried either, putting them together would be a match made in heaven! I might have to go try those out…be right back!
You can see some of our other ideas from the week here:

Terran’s List
- A wave aquarium, makes waves, has beach, coral reef
- Mini ships to put in wave aquarium
- Toaster that also slices bread
- Smaller snow shovel. Sometimes the other ones are too big
- Charging cord/block that stores energy
- Waffle maker with switchable molds
- Slide-on bowties for gifts
- Dog breath mints (for dogs)
- Kombucha feeder for when you are away
- Sourdough start feeder for when you are away
River’s List
- Idea Generator
- Cheese in different flavors
- Mix n’ match popcorn
- Snickerdoodle filled with chocco cream
- 3d painter
- Energy drink pop rock flavored
- Hat that has AC
- Dog kennel that has gerbil water
- Shirt that is really really thick
- Sweet Mac n’ cheese
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