
10 Ideas Blog

The 10 Ideas Blog was inspired by the words of James Altucher in his National Best Seller, Choose YourselfEach week, we sit down and challenge our brain to come up with ten ideas for new inventions.  This is a great exercise for anyone to participate in, and sometimes we come up with really great concepts (and sometimes, they’re a little crazy!) Our father, Ben Greenfield wrote an article about why this is such a good idea, and you can read that article here.

In this installment of 10 Ideas, we were thinking a lot about the kitchen and the many flavors that we can create there… but, also some of the frustrations.  Why not try to solve some of those common culinary complications?  It certainly makes sense to try.  So, while we also consider balloons filled with fart gas (we are thirteen year old boys, after all) and better car battery chargers, we spent a lot of time talking and brainstorming about kitchen gadgets that would make life easier.

Terran on Kitchen Innovation

I, Terran, really enjoy coconut, and it is possible to go out an buy pre-shredded coconut, but it’s best right from the shell.  Unfortunately, they are very hard to open.  Everytime we work with one, we have to allot a lot of time just to crack the shell.  I think there should be some sort of tool with a blade.  You could ust put the coconut in a ring or ball, and then turn it on.  The blade would spin and cut the coconut in perfect halves.  I also wish that they would come out with a coffee and spice grinder that worked faster.

River on Kitchen Innovation

I, River, thought that Terran’s coffee grinder idea was great.  Along the same line, I think a lot of people would enjoy spill-proof cups for adults.  Imagine a coffee cup with a special fitting on the bottom that wouldn’t allow it to accidently tip and spill.  Another kitchen innovation that I had in mind is a special alarm that could be installed on milk cartons that determines when the milk is about to go bad.  It would ring to let everyone know to use it fast or to get rid of it.  It could even have a percentage of shelf life gauge on it.

You can see some of our other ideas from the week here:



Terran’s List

  1. Superfast coffee grinder
  2. Easy coconut opener
  3. Reusable snap pops
  4. LOUD snap pops
  5. Really long-lasting car battery
  6. Super-fast car battery charger
  7. Customizable hamster cages
  8. Long lasting phone battery
  9. Rainbow colored toothpaste
  10. REALLY cold ice cubes


River’s List

  1. Cardboard bag with superglue in cardboard
  2. Trash bag dumpster compactor
  3. Expiration date alarm for milk
  4. Raisin maker
  5. Raisin maker add-on: yogurt raisin dipper
  6. Bouncy ball track
  7. Make your own sticker kit
  8. Ice fishing machine
  9. Coffee cup that has cap on bottom to keep coffee from spilling
  10. Balloon filled with fart spray
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