
10 Ideas Blog

The 10 Ideas Blog was inspired by the words of James Altucher in his National Best Seller, Choose YourselfEach week, we sit down and challenge our brain to come up with ten ideas for new inventions.  This is a great exercise for anyone to participate in, and sometimes we come up with really great concepts (and sometimes, they’re a little crazy!) Our father, Ben Greenfield wrote an article about why this is such a good idea, and you can read that article here.

In this installment of 10 Ideas, we were ready for bedtime.  It had been a long day, and it was getting late.  So, many of our thoughts (especially River’s) seemed to be focused on the comforts of bed.  We love to be active, but we also like to sleep… we are teenagers after all!  While our beds are pretty amazing as they are, we definitely able to think up a few inventions that would make them even better.

Terran on Bedtime Innovation

I, Terran, really like waking up in the morning and remembering the great dreams that I had.  They say that sleeping helps grow your brain, and can even help you solve problems, learn skills, and other things. I think the best bedtime innovation would be a pillow that helps your brain develop, that helps you remember all of the stuff that you’re trying to learn at school or in your job.

River on Bedtime Innovation

I, River, was super inspired by creating a better bed.  I had several ideas for cool things that would make bed more comfortable.  Pillows kind of look like marshmallows.  Wouldn’t it be cool if they smelled like them too?  You could fall asleep sniffing s’mores!  A scented blanket would be awesome too.  At first, I was thinking it would just be cool if the blanket held the smell of fresh, air-dried laundry, but then I thought it would work better with the pillow if it smelled like chocolate.  After that, I thought it would be cool to have a blanket shaped just like an animal.  Nothing would bother you on a camping or wilderness adventure, if you looked like a sleeping polar bear!

You can see some of our other ideas from the week here:



Terran’s List

  1. Lavender dog smell away
  2. Rain thing for Godzilla
  3. Yellow-colored banana-smelling rock
  4. Super accurate Nerf gun
  5. Living Legos
  6. “Mind Blown” hats
  7. A pillow that helps you remember stuff
  8. Pencil disguised as walkie talkie
  9. Eraser disguised as walkie talkie
  10. Pencil-light (flashlight that looks like a pencil)


River’s List

  1. Ketchup mustard sprayer
  2. Dog stop sign
  3. Beanbag filled with jello
  4. Beanbag memory foam
  5. Squishmallow smores smelly (marshmallow scented pillow)
  6. Scented blanket
  7. Extendable ears (Harry Potter)
  8. Heat sensitive blanket
  9. 10 new ideas walkie talkie
  10. See-through polar bear blanket
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