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Inland Pacific Kitchen Visit And Review

Terran and River tryout a new restaurant with their Dad, Ben Greenfield, in Spokane, Washington called Inland Pacific Kitchen. They are served a tasting menu that included the following items.

Tasting Menu

Wild Opal Plums and Heirloom Oxheart Carrots with a Remoulade and Carrot Green Oil

Chilled and Smoked Apricot Soup
cold smoked & chilled Apricot Soup, Macadamia, Truffle Oil

Smoked eel broth, Soy beans, Dried Pork

Rubrød: Nordic Rye Bread
Avocado, Cilantro, Lime, Cracklins

Prawn Tartar
Wasabi Oil, Uni Butter, Soy

Tomato, Avocado

Wild, line caught Alaskan Sitka Coho Salmon
Bacon broth, Cucumber, Miso, Yukon Potato, Sea Grass

malted white Wheat, Chicory reduction, Broccoli flower

Chocolate Torte
Bing Cherries, Pistachio, Fromage Blanc, Shiso

The boys and their father had a wonderful experience at the Inland Pacific Kitchen as it was one of their greatest culinary experiences they have ever had.

Today’s Episode Brought To You By…


“Best Tasting Stuff on the Planet” ~ River and Terran Greenfield

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