In this episode of GoGreenfields, River and Terran are able to see one of their favorite restaurants from an entirely different vantage point — the kitchen! Chef Peter Froese showcases his skill with pasta, as he teaches your hosts how to create some of the most popular pastas at Gander and Ryegrass.  

Gander and Ryegrass During a Pandemic

From their very first visit to Gander and Ryegrass with their parents, River and Terran were in love with the food and the flavor.  So, they were very excited, in May, to hear that funding from the CARES Act made it possible for Chef Froese to open the doors again, after the first round of COVID-19 shutdowns.  River and Terran couldn’t wait to schedule a time to visit the restaurant again.  They weren’t alone.  According to KREM-TV, “orders continued pouring in, as people ordered gift cards and takeout food in abundance, to support Chef Froese’s efforts to keep his new restaurant from closing down for good.”*

Chef Peter’s Love of Restaurant and Staff

From his heartfelt statement, “people working in this restaurant never go home hungry”, to the time and patience he had for our future chefs in training, it is abundantly clear that Chef Peter Forese invests entirely in his restaurant and in the people around him.  Perhaps that is why Gander and Ryegrass became an immediate favorite among the locals, and why Chef Peter has managed to run a successful business despite the pandemic.

Try Gander & Ryegrass (and Pasta)

Want to try some of the fantastic food for yourself?  Spokane locals can order Gander and Ryegrass online.  

Now, we can share this experience with you, and perhaps you will also try your hand at making some of these classic pasta shapes at home!

*Robinson, Joshua. Spokane’s Gander and Ryegrass prepares to open their doors – a second time. May 29, 2020 <>

Have you successfully created homemade pasta?  Please share with us!




You can also show your support for the amazing Chef Peter Froese by following him on social media or tagging him in the photos of your own delicious Gander and Ryegrass meal!



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