A fun activity that combines cooking, art, and food
In this episode of GoGreenfields, River and Terran break glass! Don’t worry, it’s not real glass, it’s edible glass; also known as candy glass. Let’s take a look at the process.
It’s cooking
First we have to create our glass. We combine the ingredients; a mix of water, sugar, and honey or corn syrup. After heating it up on the stove, the mixture gets poured into a pan with wax paper. Then, we move on to the next step.
It’s art
Next we have to design our glass. Once the mixture is in the pan, it begins to cool. At this stage it also slowly changes from a liquid to a solid. As it cooled we were able to create designs on the surface of the glass using food coloring and cookie cutters. We were also able to shape the glass as it hardened.
It breaks but it’s good
Once we had our final designs, we let them cool completely and solidify. We compared our edible glass creations as well. Terran’s was a textured piece, and River’s looked a lot like the state of Washionton! We also learned just how breakable they are as River broke one with a 3-inch punch, leaving shards of candy glass on the deck. We didn’t forget the edible part though, because we were snacking happily as our video came to an end!
Make your own
We enjoyed this project. It was a nice mix of various types of activities; cooking, art, and even eating! We want to see what you make so the recipe for edible glass, or candy glass, is below! Let us know how it goes and show us what you create!
-½ cup of water
-1 cup of sugar
-4 TBSPs of honey or corn syrup
-Heat to 300° on stovetop
-Pour onto wax paper and get creative!
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