In this episode of GoGreenfields, River and Terran head over to Moscow, ID to visit with their grandma and to spend some time in her Bucer’s Coffeehouse Pub.  While they are there, they take a tour of the roasting room, meet with the coffee roasting expert, Alex Doyle (“Kozo”), and get some of their biggest questions about the popular bean answered.

Interesting Coffee Facts

Did you know that coffee isn’t just a delicious morning pick-me-up?  It also boasts a lot of medicinal properties, including very, very high levels of antioxidants.  Coffee is considered the greatest source of antioxidants in the average western diet, with many people getting more from their cups of joe than from fruits and vegetables combined!  Of course, GoGreenfields does not recommend that you rely on coffee so heavily.  After all, there are so many delicious meals that can be prepared with fruits and vegetables.  However, a good quality cup of coffee, like those served at Bucer’s Coffeehouse Pub can deliver vitamins B2, B5, manganese, potassium, and even small amounts of B3.  Coffee drinks have also surprised scientists with multiple studies showcasing reduced risks of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinsons, type-2 diabetes, and even some forms of cancer. 

Visit Bucer’s Coffeehouse Pub!

If you live in Moscow, ID, or intend to visit in the future, be sure to check out Bucer’s Coffeehouse pub.  In addition to the excellent varieties of coffee, and speciality beverages, you’ll find fantastic food, including crisp, melty paninis that will make your mouth water.  There is also a terrific coffee cake that, of course, pairs exceptionally well with the beans River and Terran roasted during their visit!

Order Online!

Roasting coffee beans is both an art and a science.  River and Terran learned a lot about the importance of heat and time when working with Kozo.  Trying to replicate this level of bean roasting at home would be difficult, but if you want to give it a try, there are coffee roasters on the market that can get you started.  If you aren’t ready to take that big step, then rely on the experts at Bucers and order your coffee online!

We strongly recommend that you make a trip to Bucer’s or order a bag of beans to try at home.  Be sure to tag us in your social media posts with pictures of your cup of coffee! 


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