You might have noticed, when scrolling around the GoGreenfields’ website recently, a lot of mention about something called “Bubbles”. Bubbles is a collection of artworks created by River as a result of his year-long mural project. Both River and Terran spent a huge amount of time drawing on their bedroom walls, creating what is truly a spectacle for the eyes.
The original artwork was created with watercolor markers. River decided, after some encouragement from his dad, Ben, to turn the drawings into digital artworks that could then be sold as NFTs.
According to, An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos. They are bought and sold online, frequently with cryptocurrency. That’s a lot of words that may not be easy to understand. River and Terran spent several months, prior to launching Bubbles, learning about NFTs and cryptocurrency, which helped immensely when River decided to take on this project.
Most of this episode, as you might imagine, will be focused on River, but for a little extra bonus, Terran created a special mini class, in which he demonstrates how he drew a piece of his mural.
If you love to draw, paint, or create, then this is the episode for you. Before you watch or listen, be sure that you.
NOTE: Much of the footage seen in this video episode was captured during an exclusive Zoom mural-painting instructional class, offered to anyone who purchased a piece of River’s NFT collection prior to March 19th.

Did you try creating your own mural, or a drawing based on the instructions offered in this episode? Show us!
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